Diagnosis of human talent needs required by organizations at Magdalena





Diagnosis, Higher Education Institutions, Human Talent, University Social Responsibility


This research manuscript presents the results of the diagnosis of human talent needs in the department of Magdalena, in order to be taken into consideration by Higher Education Institutions when adjusting their academic offerings and creating programs and services aligned to current requirements. The study consisted of diagnosing 66 organizations, including companies, Higher Education Institutions and state entities, to determine the needs and perceptions of the services offered by higher education in 2021 in Magdalena. This was done through a virtual semi-structured survey and a focus group.  Among the findings, training needs were identified at the levels of technical, professional, technological and professional education in the sectors of agribusiness, agriculture, commerce, education, technology, engineering, hospitality and tourism, among others. Likewise, needs were identified for soft skills, communication skills, technological skills, and language skills


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How to Cite

Cantillo Velásquez I, Sáenz Gutiérrez G. Diagnosis of human talent needs required by organizations at Magdalena. Community and Interculturality in Dialogue [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];1:20. Available from: https://cid.ageditor.ar/index.php/cid/article/view/1