Mapping the structure of knowledge about Community and Home Care
Community And Home Care, Primary Health Care, Bibliometrics, Scientific ProductionAbstract
Introduction: Community and Home Care is defined as the first level of care; where the individual, by exposing their problems, finds their first contact with the health system. Provides general medical treatment, as well as prevention and health promotion actions.
Objective: analyze the behavior of research on Community and Home Care published in Scopus.
Method: a bibliometric study was conducted on the topic of Community and Home Care covered in the period 2018-2022. The SciVal tool was used to analyze the scientific production indicators. Descriptive statistics were applied. The Leg Ulcer theme stood out; Wound Healing; Exudate with a total of 665 investigations (5,46 %). The articles with national collaboration stood out with 4,479 works (36,8 %). The University of Sydney dominated with the highest number of articles with 219 (1,79 %). United States was outstanding with 2,797 investigations (22,97 %).
Results: a total of 12 172 articles were retrieved. The year 2022 stood out with 2 299 articles (18,88 %). The articles located in Q1 stood out with 3 139 articles (25,78 %).
Conclusions: scientific production on Community and Home Care showed gradual growth in terms of the number of published articles, characterized by an increasing number of citations. The largest number of investigations were located in high-impact journals, from countries with high production rates. A wide group of topics with the greatest national research impact were covered
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