Breastfeeding and education in the puerperium
Breast Feeding, Postpartum Period, Health EducationAbstract
This systematic review explores the effectiveness of various educational and emotional interventions to promote breastfeeding in the postpartum period, analyzing their benefits and limitations. Interventions include prenatal educational programs, mobile apps, emotional support, nutritional supplementation, and personalized teaching methods such as teach-back, which has been shown to improve breastfeeding self-efficacy. Research shows that a combination of approaches, such as psychosocial support and technology integration, is essential to reduce practical and emotional barriers faced by mothers, especially in cases of cesarean section, postpartum depression, and socioeconomic vulnerability. Although some interventions do not directly increase the duration of exclusive breastfeeding, they reduce the perception of difficulties, contributing to more effective breastfeeding. The study concludes that a holistic approach, including education, emotional support and counseling, is key to improving breastfeeding outcomes and supporting maternal and child health in diverse populations.
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