Mentoring in Developing Best Practices for Elementary School Teachers in Indonesia




Best Practices, Elementary School, Teachers


Introduction: Elementary school teachers face challenges in designing and documenting best practices from their teaching experiences.  These difficulties are often caused by a lack of understanding of what constitutes best practices, how to format and write them systematically, and the limited specialized training to support these skills. Teachers need ongoing support through training and technical guidance to develop skills for effectively documenting and disseminating best practices.
Objective: The aim of this community service program is to improve teachers' ability to develop best practices.   
Methods: This study uses a lesson study method with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data was obtained from observing activities during training and filling out descriptive questionnaires.
Results: The methods and teaching materials used by teachers are dominated by methods and sources that are less relevant to the needs of the times. Low student attention, interest, and competence reinforce that there are deficiencies in the learning process. Teachers need e-modules based on local wisdom to help improve cultural literacy and critical thinking skills.
Conclusions: This study concludes that there is a need to develop teaching materials in the form of e-modules developed based on local wisdom that can improve cultural literacy and critical thinking skills for elementary school students


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How to Cite

Basari Eko Wahyudi A, Salimi M, Hidayah R, Suhartono, Wahyono, Saptuti Susiani T. Mentoring in Developing Best Practices for Elementary School Teachers in Indonesia. Community and Interculturality in Dialogue [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5:136. Available from: