Review of the VIII Interdisciplinary Congress in Health, VII Departmental Congress of Nursing and I International Interdisciplinary Congress in Health: “Interdisciplinary contribution improving global public health”




Public Health, Congress, Patient Care Group, Public Communication


The event took place on November 29 and 30, 2023, in the city of Caacupé, Department of Cordillera, Paraguay, and was organized by the Board of Directors, administrative and teaching staff of the Instituto Superior en Ciencias de la Salud Juan Pablo II, aimed at professionals and students of health sciences, with the participation of national speakers from reference institutions and international guests from Argentina and Cuba, whose professional and scientific careers make them worthy of recognition. Key topics addressed were: prescription of medicines; social impact of training massage therapists; humanization and respect during labor and delivery; dental prosthesis from the aesthetic and health paradigm; knowledge management and research seedbeds; training of nursing and obstetrics personnel in maternal and child care; scientific research in contemporary times; family caregiver of the elderly at the end of life; professional competencies for the senior technician in radiology; training of professionals in clinical laboratories. The need to analyze teamwork and the interdisciplinary paradigm made it possible to show the challenges of global public health, as well as the professional articulation during health care. The event showed in a coherent way the professional dialogue, as well as the inter, trans and multidisciplinary approach to health care


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How to Cite

Espinosa Aguilar A, Rojas Ruíz GC, Saavedra MO, Lepez CO. Review of the VIII Interdisciplinary Congress in Health, VII Departmental Congress of Nursing and I International Interdisciplinary Congress in Health: “Interdisciplinary contribution improving global public health”. Community and Interculturality in Dialogue [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];3:111. Available from: