Use of videos as a method of learning in social service projects
Digital Resources, Didactic Video, Teaching-Learning Strategies, Education, Virtual Learning ResourceAbstract
The impulse that accelerated the adoption of digital resources in education was the COVID-19, although many teachers and students were already using these resources effectively, they did not represent the majority and did not cover all educational levels, the transition was gradual, which required a great effort from both parties and everyone had to use new resources and digital tools to meet current educational demands, in addition to using teaching-learning strategies, which resulted in new skills and better opportunities for professional development. The support and collaboration between different areas and disciplines was fundamental for the success of education in this new modality. The use of video as a virtual learning resource is one of the challenges that add to this experience of digital transformation, in which the teacher must face the current challenges with the intention of innovating and adapting to changes quickly. The purpose of this project is to describe the process of creating a didactic video to reinforce the knowledge of a particular subject
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Copyright (c) 2023 Guillermo Pérez Hernández, Nelly Rigaud Téllez , José Juan Rico C, Leonel Gualberto López S, Omar García L (Author)

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