Impact of Preventive and Mandatory Social Isolation in the control of type I diabetes in adults in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area
Type 1 Diabetes, Isolation, COVID-19, Eating Habits, Physical ActivityAbstract
Introduction: the measures taken by the Argentine government to avoid contagion of the SARS-CoV-2 virus consisted in what was called Preventive and Mandatory Social Isolation (Aislamiento Social Preventivo y Obligatorio, ASPO), which was established on March 20th of 2020. The disposition restricted medical checkups and physical activity for several months and modified the population’s eating habits. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a high incidence and prevalence pathology worldwide. While the majority of the patients suffer from DM II, the percentage of DM I and its peculiarities make worth an analysis regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: assessing the impact of ASPO on the metabolic control of patients who live in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) during the period March-December 2020.
Results: of the 45 subjects involved in the study, 42,2 % saw an increase in their HbA1c level, did not know the value, or did not get tested. This is a situation of clinical interest for a more exhaustive follow-up. In addition, 60 % of the total gained weight and 38 % decreased the frequency of physical activity, while 35 % did not perform any activity at all. Furthermore, 73,3 % reported having experienced anxiety, 64,4 % apathy, and 60 %, sadness.
Conclusion: the impossibility of carrying out ordinary activities, the suspension or reduction of frequency of physical exercise, and the increase and modification of the quality of meals with the resulting weight gain had an impact on the rising of HbA1c levels during the Preventive and Mandatory Social Isolation
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Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Isabel Morgner , Lorena Djament (Author)

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