Pedagogical experience with Public Health campaigns from the design of socio-educational projects with insertion in the local territory
Health Campaign, Higher Education, Nursing, Social Projects, Territory, Public HealthAbstract
Introduction: in today's society, educational management has become an imperative for the creation of knowledge and innovative educational experiences. In the context of the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing at the University of Buenos Aires, a pedagogical experience focused on a public health campaign on Dengue was carried out. The main objective of this experience was to promote the democratization of scientific and health knowledge in relation to Dengue, guaranteeing the right of access to public health information. We sought to create an environment conducive to learning, active participation of students and interaction with the community.
Development: the experience was divided into three stages: initial, progressive and territorial anchoring. In the initial stage, students were prepared through theoretical and technical sessions. The progressive stage involved adjustments and corrections in collaboration with the teaching team. In the territorial anchoring stage, groups of students carried out the public health campaign in sectors close to the university. The evaluation was carried out using group monitoring instruments and a checklist to evaluate the individual performance of the students. A review and feedback meeting was also held at the end of the experience.
Conclusions: the proposed pedagogical experience demonstrated that effective educational management can promote the democratization of knowledge in the field of public health. Collaboration among students and the focus on the right of access to public health information are key elements. In addition, the importance of constant adaptation of educational practices to scientific and technological advances is highlighted. On the other hand, it provided an effective framework for the training of nursing students and the promotion of public health, demonstrating the importance of educational management in today's society
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Copyright (c) 2023 Carlos Oscar Lepez , Irene Amelia Simeoni (Author)

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