Culture, Society and Health
Culture, Society, HealthAbstract
The disease -according to their beliefs- came from these divinities that could "damage," "possess" the individual, penetrate objects, "take out" the soul, etc. In this case, in a distant time, it could be observed that health was intervened by the religious mythical and was not based on the scientific. Knowing that medicine is a social and humanistic science, which is responsible for curing and preventing diseases, we can affirm that to achieve this objective, it is fundamentally necessary to raise awareness in society (we have a concrete and recent example which was the pandemic of Covid-19, in which the different societies dealt with the issue in different ways, previously it was HIV in the 80's or cholera in the early 90's in Argentina). Anthropology provides a significant social, cultural, and ancestral contribution since it allows us to know how communities that do not have access to health centers or advanced medicine use healing methods or alternative medicine for these communities to be effective or believe in their functioning. However, some people see them as antiquated methods. Therefore, Anthropology must make its social contribution from a deep study of the different societies to a joint work with other health disciplines to achieve, in the short term, individuals or societies prepared for future new diseases that may arise or current diseases that spread surprisingly
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Copyright (c) 2023 Natalia Fernanda Lobaisa, Tania Mara Payti Claros (Author)

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