Wellness and Integrative Health Education Campaign by undergraduate students in Music Therapy
Music Therapy, Health Campaign, Health Education, Public Health, Integral Health and Well-Being, StudentsAbstract
Introduction: educational experiences based on the model of critical pedagogy favor the appropriation of knowledge and information used in the fields of social and cultural exchange as well as in the acquisition of competences that contribute to the graduate's profile through the operative and instrumental design, as is the case of the health education campaign on wellbeing and integral health carried out by students of the Bachelor's Degree in Music Therapy at the University of Business and Social Sciences (UCES).
Methods: the study is qualitative with a narrative approach and dialogic analysis.
Results: educational objectives were achieved in a double sense on the one hand in students of the Bachelor's Degree in Music Therapy and in the community participating in the activity of the health education campaign of wellbeing and integral health within the framework of the evaluation instance of the bimonthly optional curricular space: Public Health developed on October 6, 2023, highlighting the relevance of the task and the value of dimensioning the discipline of music therapy in health sciences.
Conclusions: the contributions referred to are materialized as symbolic elaborations that resignify the educational experience, the cooperative learning process, the strengthening of competences defined in the graduate's profile, the integration of music therapy in public health scenarios and devices, as well as the community practice mediated by a programmed activity, elaborated, and developed in situ linking the relationship between the university and the community
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jerónimo Araneo, Franco Ivan Escudero, Maria Agustina Muñoz Arbizu, Camila Belén Trivarelli, Margarita Camila Van Den Dooren, Marcela Lichtensztejn, Carlos Oscar Lepez (Author)

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