Condition, Working Environment and Health Effects on the Medical Personnel




Working Conditions, Working Environment, Health Impacts, Public Sector


Objective: the objective of this investigation was to determine the conditions, work environment and the effects on health in the medical personnel of a health center located in the Carabobo State - Venezuela, during the year 2022.
Method: it was carried out within the positivist paradigm, quantitative approach, under a field study, observational design, descriptive level and cross section; the population was made up of 47 workers; An intentional non-probabilistic sampling was applied, leaving the sample represented by 41 workers, the inclusion criteria being that they wished to participate in the research and that they were not on leave due to comorbidity.
Results: through the tools: number 11 and 14 of the Manual for Managers and Administrators: Health and Safety of Workers in the Health Sector, it was determined that medical personnel are exposed to occupational risks such as physical, chemical, psychosocial, biological, mechanical , non-ergonomic and those related to the content and organization of work, resulting in a serious danger to your health; in addition, the referred effects survey was applied to establish the health effects, estimating the mean at 2,38; therefore, there were references from workers with great concerns about their health.
Conclusion: therefore, it is necessary to design strategies both at the organizational and individual level, on the working conditions and environment, to reduce the adverse effects on the health of workers that these could generate



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How to Cite

Sánchez-Ortega B, Pérez-Galavís A, Ron M. Condition, Working Environment and Health Effects on the Medical Personnel. Community and Interculturality in Dialogue [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 4 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];3:105. Available from: