The improvement of preschool educators in communication skills: describing and narrating from an interdisciplinary perspective
Socio-Cultural Perspective, Early Childhood, Cognitive Perspective, Communicative SkillsAbstract
This article explores the crucial stage of early childhood in the formation of personality, emphasizing the importance of high-quality education for children from 0 to 6 years of age. It underlines the need for a complete and constant preparation during this vital phase, highlighting the fundamental role of teachers in improving their pedagogical performance. The main objective of the article is to present preliminary findings of an exploratory study. This study focuses on the professional needs and deficiencies of teachers dedicated to the communicative skills in Mother Tongue during Early Childhood, specifically in the Luyanó Popular Council of the Diez de Octubre municipality, Havana. The results suggest that these needs can be effectively addressed through a professional improvement approach that is systematic and continuous. This approach includes the management of fundamental theoretical tools based on cognitive, communicative and sociocultural perspectives, as well as the conception of an interdisciplinary and enriching educational process
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