Influence of culture on disease perception
Cultural Beliefs, Cultural Practices, Healthcare, Cultural IdeologiesAbstract
This scientific paper explores the complex relationship between culture, health, and disease, highlighting how cultural beliefs and practices shape perceptions of health and illness. Culture is described as a complex system of knowledge and customs transmitted from generation to generation, encompassing language, customs, and values. The paper emphasizes that concepts of health and disease can vary significantly across cultures. Different cultural backgrounds lead to diverse interpretations of what constitutes health or illness. Cultural beliefs influence how individuals perceive their health and respond to medical interventions. The text examines the example of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which differs from Western medicine by focusing on restoring balance and harmonizing energies within the body. The contrast between these two medical paradigms highlights the impact of culture on healthcare approaches. The paper also discusses the cultural acceptance of practices that may be harmful to health, such as incest in certain societies. These practices are considered sacred customs within those cultures, reflecting how cultural ideologies can shape disease risks. Furthermore, the paper explores how cultural factors interact with political and economic forces to create specific health risks and behaviors within societies. It emphasizes that culture plays a pivotal role in shaping human behavior and social acceptance. The paper concludes by emphasizing the enduring influence of culture on perceptions of health and disease throughout history, highlighting how cultural beliefs and practices continue to impact individuals' health experiences and outcomes
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gisela Noemí Escalante , Romina Noelia Ganz , Daiana Loreley Mendez Minetti (Author)

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