Educational intervention on oral cancer in high-risk patients over 35 years of age
Educational Intervention, Oral Cancer, High RiskAbstract
Introduction: oral cancer is one of the top ten locations of cancer incidence in the world, it is more common in men after 40 years of age.
Objective: to develop an educational intervention in patients over 35 years of age with a high risk of oral cancer.
Method: a quasi-experimental educational intervention study was carried out in office 28 belonging to the “José Lázaro Fonseca López del Castillo” Teaching Stomatology Clinic, of the Isla de la Juventud Special Municipality, in the period 2020-2022. The study universe consisted of 1010 patients from the office, the population of 598 patients over 35 years of age and the sample of 156 patients at high risk of suffering from oral cancer.
Results: in the sample, the age group of 45 to 55 years predominated for 35,9 % and light skin color for 67,9 %, with equality regarding sex. The main risk factors found were poor oral hygiene, smoking and traumatic irritants, achieving a decrease in their prevalence after the intervention.
Conclusions: it was possible to considerably modify the risk factors, the protective factors and the high risk of suffering from oral cancer, so the educational intervention applied had a positive impact
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Copyright (c) 2024 Iraida Céspedes-Proenza, Yarilín La-O-Rojas, Yusdelkys García-Bacallao, Ladisleny Leyva-Samuel , Yanelilian Padín-Gámez, Douglas Crispin-Rodríguez (Author)

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