Comprehensive care strategy at El Guayabo Penitentiary Center




Comprehensive Care, Oral Health, Oral Diseases, Promotion, Prevention


Introduction: this research is based on the framework of comprehensive oral health care for people deprived of liberty, to ensure that health services ensure their continuity of care, with a quality of care similar to that accessed by the population does not have this limitation. 
Objective: to develop a comprehensive oral health care strategy at the “El Guayabo” Penitentiary Center on the Isla de la Juventud from October 2021 to October 2022. 
Methods: an intervention study was carried out on 227 inmates, matching the universe and the sample. The variables were taken into account: age, oral diseases, level of oral health knowledge, oral health knowledge survey and results of the strategy. With prior informed consent, a survey of knowledge of oral health, Stomatological Clinical History, curative and rehabilitative treatment was carried out on each of the patients who were part of the research. 
Results: before the intervention was applied, dental caries and poor level of knowledge predominated in 71,3 % and 66,9 % of the inmates respectively; managing to reduce the prevalence of dental caries and improve the level of knowledge to be regulated in the majority of inmates after applying the educational strategy; In addition, 47 % of the sample was cured. 
Conclusions: the implementation of the comprehensive oral health care strategy had a significant impact on the reduction of oral diseases among inmates


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How to Cite

Crispin-Rodríguez D, Crispin-Castellanos D, Ledesma-Céspedes N, Reyes-Cortiña G, Lamorú-Pardo AM, Ivonnet-Gutiérrez E. Comprehensive care strategy at El Guayabo Penitentiary Center. Community and Interculturality in Dialogue [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];4:126. Available from: