Evaluation of educational intervention on sexually transmitted diseases in adolescents
Early Educational Intervention, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, AdolescentAbstract
Introduction: insufficient knowledge about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) among adolescents is a serious problem that requires attention. Sex education is essential to address this problem and promote a healthy relationship with sexuality. Adolescence is a critical stage for establishing behaviors and attitudes, and effective educational programs are critical to improve knowledge and awareness of STIs in this vulnerable population.
Methods: an educational intervention study was conducted to improve STI knowledge in adolescents. The effectiveness of the intervention was evaluated by means of before and after questionnaires, being considered effective if more than 80 % of the sample improved their knowledge.
Results: active sexual life increases the risk of STIs. Education is essential to prevent them, but lack of information and social taboos are obstacles. After an educational intervention, adolescents improved their knowledge, including symptoms, prevention and behavior to follow. This highlights the importance of education in promoting healthy sexuality and prevention.
Conclusions: adolescents have little knowledge about STIs before education, which improves their understanding. Lack of parental information and social taboos contribute to this lack. Adequate understanding of STIs is essential for informed sexual health decisions. Sex education should be a shared responsibility between family, school and health professionals, actively involving adolescents
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