Women's participation in the process of autonomy in the community of Cherán, Michoacán
Indigenous woman, political participation, Cherán, Michoacán, social transformation, community rightsAbstract
Indigenous women have often been judged without foundation or reason, they have been denied participation in public life, denied the right to let their voice express everything they consider to be best for their people or for society as a whole.
In Cheran Michoacán, with a “Basta ya!” (Enough already!) that came from the mouths of some women, the transformation of an environment full of violence that filled the community members of that native town with fear began. Relationships between each of the members of the community were strengthened, to protect what was most sacred to them: “life, mother nature”. It also led to a change that benefited women in terms of political participation, because they began to be present in the assemblies, in the Greater Council, representing the interests of each one of them and also of their territory.
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